Our friends over at MEDIA CONNECT decided to tell the world out our new book, see what they have to say, as well as our Q&A session.
Author Seeks Nationwide Ban On Public School Paddling
A book launch party for Breaking the Paddle: Ending School Corporal Punishment was held October 30th at the Audubon Center in Columbus Ohio. Seventy guests attended and fifty books raced off the shelf!
This video “Corporal Punishment in Schools: A Teen Message was produced by an award winning group of students from Shaker Hts. HS in Ohio.
This video has over 100,000 views. It provides images and words from children about spanking.
This video has a cute song sung by a child. It will keep coming back to you.
Every school day, more than one thousand US children are hit on the buttocks with boards called “paddles” for breaking school rules. A quarter of a million school children are paddled annually. Paddling leads to physical injuries of children, psychological problems, alienation from school, and lawsuits by angry parents. Nineteen states allow this punishment, a punishment considered inhumane, ineffective, and archaic in most of the world. Over 100 nations ban it. The book explores and refutes arguments for keeping corporal punishment in schools. It provides step-by-step suggestions for parents who wish to protect their children from this barbaric treatment, and provides tools for advocacy groups to get it banned in local, state and federal arenas. The successful actions of a small group of ordinary citizens in achieving a statewide ban in Ohio in 2009 provides a thread tying the book together. Through the book, the author seeks to accelerate the banning of school corporal punishment (paddling) in US schools through education and legal reform.