November 2019 Ending Corporal Punishment of Children in the U.S.

We will end corporal punishment of children in the U.S. and join almost 60 countries that now do so. Countries that ban corporal punishment, including most of Europe, have done so in order to reduce child abuse and give children the same protection adults enjoy to be free from physical harm. A bill in the Virginia legislature would ban hitting children with objects, a great step in that direction. 

S.B. 32 in the Virginia legislature would ban hitting children with objects.  Hooray!  

SB32: Corporal punishment of a child with an object; penalty. Provides that any parent, guardian, or other person responsible for the care of a child under 18 years of age who uses an inanimate object to subject a child to corporal punishment, as defined in the bill, is guilty of a Class 4 misdemeanor. The bill also provides that a defendant not previously convicted of corporal punishment of a child with an object may have his charge deferred to enter a treatment program. The charge may be dismissed upon successful completion of the treatment program.| Patron: Sen. Chap Petersen, D-Fairfax | READ MORE

See latest information on use of corporal punishment worldwide