I let my hair grow out. The white hair was exceedingly boring. Being an artist, I had to do something using color to change that. Hair feather extensions! Anyone who knows beading can put them in. They are available online, a bag of 20 (Amazon) and a tool kit FOR about $30 total. I also found a hair stylist who knows how to do put them in.
They can be shampooed, blow dried, and curled. You can pull them out easily or they slide out naturally as you brush and comb your hair. I first wore them in June in San Francisco. I was visiting my son and daughter-in-law. We went to a street fair at Haight-Ashbury. I was right at home in this hippie community with my hair decoration. I think I will keep them into the fall. They are too much fun.
Even if your birthday cake is inundated with candles, like mine, you can learn new things. I decided that my abstract painting needed a little zip. Covering it with resin would do that. I watched a UTube on how to do that.
There are careful instructions online…
- Prop up your painting sturdily so that it is completely flat and level:
I used a plastic sheet protecting my workspace as the resin drips over the edge. I put the canvas on four plastic cups holding the corners.
- Open windows if you are inside because resin is dangerous to breathe.
- Mix the resin which comes in two parts and the hardener (usually a 50/50 mix) which I bought on There are instructions on the resin bottles.
- Pour and Spread. Spread around the sides too after it has dripped over the edges.
I used a putty knife and tried to push out the bubbles.
- If there are still bubbles, blow them out with a hair dryer, or small blow torch or crème Brule torch.
I used a crème Brule torch.
It still had bubbles when it dried.
I brought out my sander and sanded off as much of the resin as I could. I watched two more videos and picked up some clues. I will try redoing the resin.
If at first you don’t succeed, try try again or find someone who knows how to do it. At least watch three or four UTubes before doing it.